Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Ride Kawasaki CBU 2011

16th - 18th.December.2011
Shah Alam (kawasaki Glenmarie) - Johor Bahru 
- Rompin - Kuala Lumpur

Heyyaaa~ i'm baCk for my stOry mOry bOut Ma Ride wth Kawasaki CBU 2011, iTs HapPen 3 days 2 niTe, diS tRip sTart frOm 16-18th of December laSt week~ pHeeewwww~ juSt OnLy me Lady RiDer on Dis tRip~ WOooHOooo~ Let'S started~

Kawasaki Glenmarie~
firSt day iS 16th, at 7am reGistratiOn at Kawasaki GlenMarie, aNd BrieFing at 8am, n tHen sHud move at 8.30am. pHeeww~ I'm late, i'm arriVed here arOund 8.15am~ tHanks gOd, mY Luck Briefings Did nOt staRt aGain. hehehhehhehehe~ I was abLe tO sNap picTure, pay Fees and breakFast ~ wOooohOooooo~

Briefing B4 cOnvoy ~

PetrOnas Ayer KerOh~ I'm wth Kak Fai'Za~

 tOtaL of motOrBike jOined diS cOnvoy was 32 BiKe. Briefing beGins at 9am & the cOnvoy mOved arOund 9.30am tO Ayer KeOh for refueL. we aRrived at PetrOnas Ayer KerOh arOund 10.42am. aFter reFuel we mOve to RnR MacHap~ cOnvoy aRived at RnR MacHap at 12pm, we stOp heRe for 2 hOurs fOr Lunch n Prayers. at 2pm cOnvoy mOve to JB, Last Venue fOr toDay~ cOnvoy safely aRrived at 
PariSs Hotel at 2.45pm. Free n eaSy till tOmoRrOw mOrning~

RnR MacHap~

RnR MacHap~

saFelly aRriVed at JB~ PaRiss Hotel~
Ngeeeeeeeeeeeee~ iM Bunge~
peTang da Hujan~
hi... mOrning~ hehehehehe.. juSt imaGine Im On dat day~ :p
ok.. ok.., on da 2nd day after bReakfaSt, befOre riDe we gOt brieFing aGain. brieFing empHasizeD da parTicipants nOt to inTerceptiOn over da piLot Of cOnvoy. tOday cOnvOy riDe to RomPin, we mOve arOund 9.30am. fOr Lunch we stOp aT MerSing arOund 12.19pm. after dat we mOve to Our destinatiOn at 1pm n safely aRriVed at Rompin BeaCh ResOrt at 2pm~ cOnvoy safe + smOOth~ tHanks gOd~

BrieFing On 2nd Day~

BrieFing On 2nd Day~

Che Mat~ iN white sHirt shOrt sLeeve~

Insp. Zali iN bLue sHirt~

safeLy arriVed at MerSing fOr Lunch~

stOp here fOr LunCh~

safeLy arriVed at Rompin~

RomPin Beach ResOrt~
I'm wth Isnp. Sazali~
pOsing tiMe~

 still early to waiTing OffiCial Dinner at 8pm~ sO tidO time larh~ zzZZZzzz~
My rOom at Rompin BeaCh resOrt~ sharing wth adek Yana~

after geT Ma reSt~ tiMe to cLose fOr dinner, sO geT reaDy!!~

OffiCial Dinner RiDe Kawasaki CBU 2011
Ladies On da cOnvOy~

1st gaMe~

My Identity Card on da ConvOy~ n Cap for 2nd game in offiCial Dinner~

Kawasaki Ninja Riders~

on da leFt is Sis Faiza~ Me n Adek Yana On my RiGht~

afTer da Dinner~ I aNd adek Yana baCk to Da rOom for get ReSt, tOmOrrOw iS a Last Day for Ride  Kawasaki CBU 2011. GudNite Peeps~ zzzzZZZZZ~
 On 18th.Dec.2011~  tOday is the Last day Of ride Kawasaki CBU, I feel sO Sad (",) waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Oopsss nObody knOw iM cRying, cOz iM crYing inSiDe. Dis mOrning HeaVy RaiN~ but stOp wHen da cOnvoy get ReaDy to RiDe to RnR TemerLoh at 10.30am~ Yeah!!~

Get ReaDy to RiDe~


Hi... mOrning~
saFely aRRived at RnR TemerLoh for Lunch~ at 1.10pm~

afTer Lunch we RiDe to RnR GenTing Sempah for da Last pOrt or end Of the cOnvoy~ Our RiDe safeLy arriVed at RnR Genting Sempah arOund 3.15pm. Alhamdulillah~ our cOnvoy safe aNd smOoth~


iM wth Sis Fai'Za~

iM wiTh Lengcai ma~ (lengcai mean handsome)

iM wiTh SaliHin jOurNaList fReelance fOr NST+Berita HaRian+Bike TraDer~

wiTh Che Mat Kawasaki~ (Y he lOok sO sad??)

we aRe Bikes+RiDers

LaSt sPeeCh frOm Che Mat~


LaSt sPeech frOm Insp. SazaLi~

LaSt speecH frOm RebOnd @ Azizi (he's happening guy)

tHanks gOd~ Ride Kawasaki CBU 2011 succeed~ 
aNd maNy tHanks to PoLice Traffic, Marshall aNd all whO iS ParticipaTe in Dis cOnvoy~ 
tadaaaa~ See ya~


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Goddess Ride tO BetOng

Goddess Ride tO BetOng

Hi.. I'm back fOr my Latest riDe.., Last week I and twO ma fwen Siti n Wana going tO Betong, Thailand. cOz of dOnt knOw hOw tO gO there we all foLLow Pak Ya n his fWen bRo khalid n bro Saiful. Our RV pOint is at RnR Rawang at 8am, and move at 8.30am wth 5 motorbike coz bRo Saiful haVe been bro Khalid pilliOn. Ops~ plus 1 motorBike riDe wth us till Tanjung Malim, tQs Yasser~ 


Petronas Tapah~

LaDy RiDer~

2nd neXt stOp for Refuel is at PetrOnas Tapah, we riDe again fOr next reFuel at Caltex Gerik . Bcoz Of raining Day~ we stop tO keep Our passpOrt, n I keep mine in siti's bag . Siti ask me, " yOur mptOrBike Grants ? ". Owh my GOD!!! I'm fOrgOt to bRing it, adOyai~ but we riDe 1st till Gerik . wHile I'm On da Bike to GeRik everyThing I think hOw to get it~ huRmm~ iM sO sad~~ :( sigh~

Caltex Petrol Pump StatiOn - Gerik~
My PinkER6n~

I tOld tHem if gOt fax macHine I can geT mY gRants . tHanks gOd~ at Caltex Pump PetrOl got fax macHine, Pak Ya get fax nO. for Me, so I gOt chance gO to BetOng~ Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ so I called Mok Motor to fax my motorBike Grants, thanks to Mok Motor n da Owner of CalTex Gerik . tHanks gOd~ I beLieve yOu alWays wth Me~ After get my mOtorBike Grants n reFuel, we cOntinue riDe to BetOng .

iM here!!
SiTi Nor Eyres~

bLabLabla~ settLed wth imigRatiOn we riDe to BetOng and search neW sim CarD fOr telePhOne no. bcOz here nO rOaming for HphOne, so we sHud haVe neW No. . afTer Get it we mOve tO cheCk in at River Inn Resort~ we sTay here fOr 3 days 2 niTe . afTer have Lunch, we Lady Rider back tO resOrt fOr Rent kapChai tO ride in Betong tOwn, yeap~ wth kapChai its mOre eaSy tHan we riDe Our motOrBike~

hahahhaha~ I feel we aRe cute wth dis HeLmet~ ngeeee~
Nice pLace~

afTer riDe seeing BetOng tOwn, we mOve to marKet fOr loOking sOmething we Can Buy . Nanannana~ Opss we Met KL Bikers here~ huhuhu~ tHen we have dRink n cHit chat fOr a while befOre riDe back to resOrt . At nite we had Dinner at RestauRant "Tuan-Tuan" oppOsite da marKet~ pHewww I LOVE mY diNner, veRy deLiciOus~ YmMy~~  FiniSh da dinNer we baCk tO resOrt~ GoOd Night~


On da 2nd day~ arOund 9am we haVe BreakFast . afTer BreakFast Pak Ya inviTe us tO jOin tHem viSit "Kubu Komunis" and "hOt sPring" WOW weeeeeeeee~ nice pLace yOu shOuld go tOo~

On Tut-Tut~

at EntRance "Kubu KomuNis"~

place to prOcess cOal.
piNk its me, PurpLe is Siti & YellOw is Wana (RL)


iM hunGry~ nGeeee~

HistOry oF KomuNis~

HistOry oF KomuNis~

hOt sPring~

afTer visiTing inTeresTing pLaces, we gO tO da market fOr lunch. tHen, all Of tHem back tO resOrt for a reSt, but I & Siti still Outside lOoking fOr sOmeThing inTeresting & waNt a maSsage, Yeaaaah!! fOr wat I'm here if nOt bOdy maSsage~ ngeeeeeeee~ tHen gOing tO saLoOn fOr wasHing oUr haiR~ aNd Siti waNna do sOmetHing inTo her haiR . BefOre Siti's hair finiSh I went Out da stReets, Ops ~ I mEt bikers frOm Malaysia aGain ~ huhuhuhuhu~ "kantOi"~ :p . arOund 8.30pm we gO bacK to take Our diNner~ blablablalalblaabla~ bedTiMe zZzzZZZzzZZZzzzZZZzzzz~



oN 28th, befOre gO baCk we haVe BreakFaSt fiRst then mOve arOund 10.30am. At Thai ImigRaTiOn is at 10.45am, Blablablablaalalablaa~ we staRt riDe 11am~ next stOp fOr reFuel is Petronas Gerik~

we wiLL MiSs BetOng~
Weeee~ we R heRe~
FiniSh refuel at GeRik we cOntinue riDe aGain to neXt stOp RnR Tapah fOr take LunCh & cOffee~ 
shalalala~ blablablabla~ sHalalala~ fOr neXt stOp is RnR JejanTas Sg.BuLoh~  on the way back to sg.Buloh, we buMped inTo two Lady Bikers on da road~ aT LaSt we Met at Last pOint RnR Sg.BuLoh.

RnR Sg.BuLoh~
We aRe Lady Bikers~

WoW!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ 
we haVe dOne~ our Ride smOoth n all safeLy aRrived hOme~ tHanks gOd~
Ride SuCceed~

end~ @>~