Friday, 25 November 2011

3 Nation Charity Ride 2011

3 Nation Charity Ride 2011
18th-20th of November

Hi.. last week I and 2 Ma fWen Ema (BG) & Wana (RL) jOined 3 NatiOn ChariTy RiDe in Melaka on 18th to 20th November 2011 at the Mahkota Hotel. For our riDe, our RV pOint is at RnR Seremban at 8.30am. We had breakFaSt firSt befOre cOntinue riDing. in Our riDe gOt 1 gUys acOmpany our riDe frOm SereMban to Mahkota Hotel~  He iS 
YasSer stOner, tQs beb~

RnR Seremban~

LoOking fOr fOod~


We arRived at MahkoTa Hotel around 12pm, we alSo cOme early to cHeck-in AppaRtMent for us. RegistratiOn start frOm 10am - 4pm. But we aRe disappOinted bCoz OrgaNizer ask we olls cOme back aT 4pm. Actually both of us, I & Wana paid alReady, juSt Ema pay on 18th, yeap~ last registraTiOn iS on 18th :). Registration Fee is RM150 per person or Thai Baht 1,500 and includes two Ride T-shirts, 3NCR sticker, souvenir, Welcome Street Carnival Dinner on Friday 18th November & Grand Charity Dinner on 19th November.

M wiTh YasSer~ nGeeeeeeee~

After cHeck-in and waiTing YasSer finished Friday pRayers, we olls going out loOking fOr fOod around Mahkota Hotel area~ afTer eaTing we strOll oN da Mall and cLoSe to 4pm we returned to Mahkota Hotel to get Our gOodies bag. Aarghhhhhh~ a bit tenSiOn lol~ we shud come baCk at 7.30pm... :( sigh~~ so.. befOre waiting Street Carnival Dinner at 8pm, we go baCk to Our rOom to get reSt.
zZZzzzzZZZ blabllablalalblaazzZZZzzzZZZzzzz~
yeah.. time to gO dOwn to get our gOodies bag and aT da saMe tiMe ma fWen wanNa go back to KL, tQs YasSer have been our bOdyGuard~ owh NO!! we aRe disappOinted again n again~ (sigh) still can'T get our gOoDies bag, and sHud come back at 9pm. tHen we move to Street Carnival Dinner~

wiTh SingapOre Bikers~

Gelang for Street Carnival Dinner~

at Street Carnival Dinner~ DinNer succed~

after da diNner we baCk to Hotel to get our goOdies bag at 9pm but we shud waiting till 11.30pm.. dOnt knOw wat tO say hOw Organizer manage tHis event~ :) for Me... its FAILED. afTer get our GooDies Bag we move to da roOm to get rest fOr tOmOrrow activities~


On da 19th.November.2011, befOre going down to get our BreakFast~
wtH SingapOre Bikers~

3 gOjes LaDy Bikers~

wTh Che Mat Kawasaki~

after finish breakFast we mOve to get Ready for Charity RiDe 3 NatiOn to Tanjung Keling aT Melaka Club for Main activity.

tHe gOjes lady frOm backSide~ Wana Saari (RL)
pHewwwitttt~ gOJes LaDy on heR Bike~ Emma (BG)
it'S Me~ :)
PinKyRiDer on tHe Bike~
TanJung KLing~ at Melaka Club~
Wana (RL) & Emma (BG)~

sPeech frOm One of the orGaniZers~

arOund 3pm we RiDe back tO da Mahkota Hotel to next acTivity, but attendance iS nOt cOmpulsOry~ sO... its time  tO Get sLeep~ yeah!!! zzzzZZZzzz. 
at 7.30pm we gO dOwn to attend AffiCial Dinner Charity RiDe 3 Nation~

aT fOrmal DiNing HaLL~
we aRe LaDy Bikers~
it'S Me~
befOre we Seat at da tabLe~ Wana called Mr.Siva 1st to ask him bout our table, fOr surely.. coZ all table is under cLub, but we all joined as individual, Mr Siva tOld Wana we seat at table SBMC, n wat I saw just gOt 2 table fOr SBMC, Vip-1 and VIP-2. Im asking Wana maNy times suRe or nOt we Seat at table Vip. A few minute One of a orGaniser ask we all move frOm da tabLe~ owh nO!! wHat happen man!! where sHud we go?? Ggrrrrrr~~ after discusSiOn we seat baCk, but We had no mOod for dinner again~ We LoOk like trOuble maker~ pHeww~ wHat sHud I dO??? huhuhuhuu~ I and Ema go dOwn to get Dinner at da HoTel Cafe, Wana repreSent uS unTil dinner is cOmplete~
so wat da cOncLuSiOn fOr eVent maNageMent??

Smile~ (seeeeeeeeeeeeenyum x kata apa-apa) :)

gOod thing Wat I get frOm this event iS.. I got mOre bikers fRiend and riDe is fun~
PaSsiOn tO riDe babeh~ yeah!!~

20th.November iS Last Day we aRe here~ after tHe BreakFast we check-Out n get ReaDy to gO baCk tO Kuala Lumpur, aNd aT da saMe tiMe, 3 SingapOre Bikers follow us tO KuaLa Lumpur. tHanks gOd~ oUr Ride is safeLy+smOoth, we aRe safeLy at hOme~ 

{RandOm suMmaRy}


Monday, 14 November 2011

Day Ride Rentas Desa

Day Ride Rentas Desa VOG
KL-Bidor-Teluk Intan-Teluk Batik,Lumut Jelapang,Ipoh-KL

          On 12nd.Nov.2011 Saturday, I have jOin Day Ride Rentas Desa with Versys Owner grOup to KL - Bidor - Teluk Intan - Teluk Batik, Lumut - Jelapang, Ipoh - KL. Our Rv time is 7am at RnR Sg.Buluh and ready tO move arOund 8.30am. Total participation in Dis cOnvOy is 42 motorbike include 9 motorbike from nOrth~

R&R Jejantas Sg.Buloh

at Restoran Kari Kepala Ikan Salim at BIDOR

Arrived safeLy eVen heaVy rain alOng the way, 10.30am at BidOr for Rest Venue and get Brfast to anyOne there's no time at Rv point~

at BidOr Restoran Kari Kepala Ikan Salim~

 after get kopi-kOpi, we riDe to Menara CondOng at Teluk Intan.
 Erk! bad news along the way to Da pOint, a Versys involved in accidents due to negligence of a truck. Rider in good condition, but hiS motorBike is not gOod~ tHanks god cOz mY fRiends safe~

We arRived here at 1.04pm. Here is TiMe fOr sNap Our piCtures~ hOoyeah~ =))

Menara CondOng at TeLuk Intan~

we aRe Bikers~ yeah~

it's Me :)~

we wth One of Bikers frOm Rusia~
 after sNap piCtures & Blablablaaa~ around 2pm we RiDe to Teluk Batik fOr have LunCh befOre we mOve to Jelapang Ipoh for atTend Kenduri Akikah ones of members VOG~ he iS Hakims HajiMe~ we aRrived there at 5.30pm~ time to eat again aNd again~

 Hajime hOuse at Jelapang, Ipoh~

At Hakims Hajime hOuse, we oSo Meet 9 motOrBike VOG northen come join us~ chit chat n blablabla again n again~ at 6.30pm iT is tiMe to gO back~ Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ n next Rv pOint befOre back to hOme is RnR Ulu Bernam~

Me wth Sis Azuna Wahab~

we ArRived here arOund 8.00pm~ and Get some dRink + fOod. Chit chat abOut moTorBike n riDing n blablabla~ Ooppsss~ tiMes up shud gO baCk~ :D

tHank gOd~ ouR riDe  iS so Fun + Best  + smOoth~ aNd thanks a lot to Chor + Ayie + Mazlan to Be our MarShal in dis cOnvoy.  DaTs all My RepOrt fOr Dis cOnvoy~
we want riDe aGain~ hOoooyeahhhh~
