Goddess Ride tO BetOng
Hi.. I'm back fOr my Latest riDe.., Last week I and twO ma fwen Siti n Wana going tO Betong, Thailand. cOz of dOnt knOw hOw tO gO there we all foLLow Pak Ya n his fWen bRo khalid n bro Saiful. Our RV pOint is at RnR Rawang at 8am, and move at 8.30am wth 5 motorbike coz bRo Saiful haVe been bro Khalid pilliOn. Ops~ plus 1 motorBike riDe wth us till Tanjung Malim, tQs Yasser~
Angels~ |
Petronas Tapah~ |
LaDy RiDer~ |
2nd neXt stOp for Refuel is at PetrOnas Tapah, we riDe again fOr next reFuel at Caltex Gerik . Bcoz Of raining Day~ we stop tO keep Our passpOrt, n I keep mine in siti's bag . Siti ask me, " yOur mptOrBike Grants ? ". Owh my GOD!!! I'm fOrgOt to bRing it, adOyai~ but we riDe 1st till Gerik . wHile I'm On da Bike to GeRik everyThing I think hOw to get it~ huRmm~ iM sO sad~~ :( sigh~
Caltex Petrol Pump StatiOn - Gerik~ |
My PinkER6n~ |
I tOld tHem if gOt fax macHine I can geT mY gRants . tHanks gOd~ at Caltex Pump PetrOl got fax macHine, Pak Ya get fax nO. for Me, so I gOt chance gO to BetOng~ Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ so I called Mok Motor to fax my motorBike Grants, thanks to Mok Motor n da Owner of CalTex Gerik . tHanks gOd~ I beLieve yOu alWays wth Me~ After get my mOtorBike Grants n reFuel, we cOntinue riDe to BetOng .
iM here!! |
SiTi Nor Eyres~ |
bLabLabla~ settLed wth imigRatiOn we riDe to BetOng and search neW sim CarD fOr telePhOne no. bcOz here nO rOaming for HphOne, so we sHud haVe neW No. . afTer Get it we mOve tO cheCk in at River Inn Resort~ we sTay here fOr 3 days 2 niTe . afTer have Lunch, we Lady Rider back tO resOrt fOr Rent kapChai tO ride in Betong tOwn, yeap~ wth kapChai its mOre eaSy tHan we riDe Our motOrBike~
hahahhaha~ I feel we aRe cute wth dis HeLmet~ ngeeee~ |
Nice pLace~ |
afTer riDe seeing BetOng tOwn, we mOve to marKet fOr loOking sOmething we Can Buy . Nanannana~ Opss we Met KL Bikers here~ huhuhu~ tHen we have dRink n cHit chat fOr a while befOre riDe back to resOrt . At nite we had Dinner at RestauRant "Tuan-Tuan" oppOsite da marKet~ pHewww I LOVE mY diNner, veRy deLiciOus~ YmMy~~ FiniSh da dinNer we baCk tO resOrt~ GoOd Night~
On da 2nd day~ arOund 9am we haVe BreakFast . afTer BreakFast Pak Ya inviTe us tO jOin tHem viSit "Kubu Komunis" and "hOt sPring" WOW weeeeeeeee~ nice pLace yOu shOuld go tOo~
On Tut-Tut~ |
at EntRance "Kubu KomuNis"~ |
place to prOcess cOal. |
piNk its me, PurpLe is Siti & YellOw is Wana (RL) |
ActiOn!! |
iM hunGry~ nGeeee~ |
HistOry oF KomuNis~ |
HistOry oF KomuNis~ |
hOt sPring~ |
afTer visiTing inTeresTing pLaces, we gO tO da market fOr lunch. tHen, all Of tHem back tO resOrt for a reSt, but I & Siti still Outside lOoking fOr sOmeThing inTeresting & waNt a maSsage, Yeaaaah!! fOr wat I'm here if nOt bOdy maSsage~ ngeeeeeeee~ tHen gOing tO saLoOn fOr wasHing oUr haiR~ aNd Siti waNna do sOmetHing inTo her haiR . BefOre Siti's hair finiSh I went Out da stReets, Ops ~ I mEt bikers frOm Malaysia aGain ~ huhuhuhuhu~ "kantOi"~ :p . arOund 8.30pm we gO bacK to take Our diNner~ blablablalalblaabla~ bedTiMe zZzzZZZzzZZZzzzZZZzzzz~
Bikers~ |
oN 28th, befOre gO baCk we haVe BreakFaSt fiRst then mOve arOund 10.30am. At Thai ImigRaTiOn is at 10.45am, Blablablablaalalablaa~ we staRt riDe 11am~ next stOp fOr reFuel is Petronas Gerik~
we wiLL MiSs BetOng~ |
Weeee~ we R heRe~ |
FiniSh refuel at GeRik we cOntinue riDe aGain to neXt stOp RnR Tapah fOr take LunCh & cOffee~
shalalala~ blablablabla~ sHalalala~ fOr neXt stOp is RnR JejanTas Sg.BuLoh~ on the way back to sg.Buloh, we buMped inTo two Lady Bikers on da road~ aT LaSt we Met at Last pOint RnR Sg.BuLoh.
RnR Sg.BuLoh~ |
We aRe Lady Bikers~ |
WoW!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
we haVe dOne~ our Ride smOoth n all safeLy aRrived hOme~ tHanks gOd~
Ride SuCceed~
end~ @>~