Majlis Pelancaran Kempen Keselamatan
Jalan & Lebuh raya
~Lady Bikers MalaySia~
Hi~ nOt too Late i WiSh HaPpy ChiNese New Year!!!
Yeay!! iM oSo gOt angpOw ma~ kihkihkih~
On Last ThurSday, 19th. I jOined Lady Bikers Malaysia in proGram
"Majlis Pelancaran Kempen Keselamatan Jalan & Lebuh raya"
LaDy Bikers jOin iN dis cOnvoY is Me :D, Siti, Alia, YanJoe, Emma, Mira YaacOb, Fauziah Latiff, Diana, ZaitOn, n Lady Biker frOm Jugra Bikers~ & pLus Other Bikers frOm others cLub~
LaDy Bikers jOin iN dis cOnvoY is Me :D, Siti, Alia, YanJoe, Emma, Mira YaacOb, Fauziah Latiff, Diana, ZaitOn, n Lady Biker frOm Jugra Bikers~ & pLus Other Bikers frOm others cLub~
diS haPpened @ HighWay Lebuhraya DamanSara PuchOng (LDP).
Our RV pOint is @ Sunway PyraMid, Subang~ at 11am, tHen we mOve to da EveNt~
Highway Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong(LDP). |
Highway Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong(LDP). |
we aRe UniTe~ |
da BeuTyful + KinD + HumbLe ceLebRitiy Sis Gee~ |
beHind siS Gee iS K.Mira PresiDent of LBM~
we LunCh heRe OrgaNize by eVent ManageMent~ after LuNch we mOve tO oUr bike to Get ReaDy fOr miNi cOnvOy
to Open CeremOny of da EveNt~
MajLis PeLancaRan Kempen KeseLamaTan JaLan & Lebuh Raya~ |
SiTi nOr Eyres & Alia FahMi~ |
DiaNa & ZaitOn~ tea tiMe~ eat aGain lor~ |
We R LaDy BiKers~ |
FauZiah Latiff wiTh FiRe DepartMent (BOMBA) staff |
FauZiah Latiff wiTh Litrak staff |
after da Event we mOve tO Subang AveNue fOr cOffee~ |
blabBlablaBlabLa~wHat? wHy? wHere? Psssttttt~ hahahhahahha~
enjOy~ Opss tiMes up~ arOund 6.30pm we mOve gO baCk hOme~
tHanks tO Olls PaticipatiOn in Dis Event~
EveNt Succeed~