Monday, 26 March 2012

Versys Bike Jam 2012~

Versys Bike Jam 2012Versys Bike Jam
Port Dickson, Kompleks Belia Pasir Panjang
17th. March.2012

Hi~ Last week iM jOined Versys Bike Jam at Kompleks Belia Pasir Panjang, Port Dickson.
Here iM attached prOgram duRing da eVent

Program during da Versys Bike Jam 2012 as follows :~
2 pm - Pendaftaran peserta VBJ 2012.

3 pm - Persembahan aksi Kemahiran Pengendalian motosikal berkuasa tinggi.

- Sembang-Sembang Teh Tarik.
- Pertandingan motosikal paling kreatif dan menawan.
- Pertandingan Karaoke.
- Pertandingan Kemahiran Pengendalian Motosikal berkuasa tinggi.
- Gerai jualan peralatan motosikal.

- Program jualan lelongan amal peralatan motosikal oleh rakan VOG utk disumbangkan ke rumah-rumah anak yatim, rumah warga tua dan Sekolah agama Maahad Tahfiz Melaka.

8 pm - Majlis makan malam.

- Persembahan Live Band.
- Cabutan bertuah.

12 am - Majlis selesai.

whO interested tO jOin da DiNner sHud buy Ticket frOm rePresenTatives appOinted frOm VOG members~

2) Package A  RM 100.00 - including diNner, t-Shirt, Lucky dRaws and ResiDential.

3) Package B  RM 80.00   - including diNner, t-sHirt, a Lucky dRaw.

AlthOugh Dis prOgram sPecial fOr Versys motorcycle Owners, but owners of other motorcycles also aRe inVited to the gathering. 
 (copyright from Shawal @ LongMAN)

frOm KL I riDe aLone to RnR SeremBan @ 12.30pm n saFeLy arriVed at RnR Seremban @ 1.30pm

Rnr SeremBan~

Rnr SeremBan~


Rider n Her PiLLiOn~

convOy mOve iN seveRal groups  A, B, C, D, & E. EaCh cOnvoy escOrted by pilOts, marShals & sWeaper ~ da LaST grOup is frOm Penang~ n iM in grOup D~ we mOve frOm RnR Seremban @ 1.30pm n saFelly arriVed @2.30pm~ all cOnvoy safelly arRiVed here~ Alhamdilillah~ tQS gOd~ 
WOW Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ so aMaZing~ haVe a lOt of Versys here~
cOngraTulatiOn VOG~

cOngraTulatiOn VOG~
iM wth "abg James" On my Right n "abg Syed"On ma LeFt~ n Azman do nOt loOk at Camera~

Lady Biker Nazra + Azmaniey~
Q for RegistratiOn~ tQs to VOG fOr Ladys 1St yo~

Riding Gears AccesSories~

mOtOrBike AcceSsOries~

VOGians + PilliOns~
Mc of Da eVent~ Mr Shawal~
hOw to HandLe ur Bike~

tOday iS so hOt!! arOund @ 3.30pm I mOve to Check iN & get ma Rest~ n cOme baCk tOnite fOr DinNer~  \(^.~)/ yeay!!

iM wth IrOn Lady Ms.AreNim~

mC of da Dinner n Organizer of da eVent~ Mr Shawal~

iM wiTs Sis Yan Joe, She RepreSent Two Wheel Garage~

wiTh VOGians~


pResentatiOn from "Seni kebudayaan Negeri sembilan"


VERSYS Owner was HeRe!!
AfTer da diNner & all da eVents dis evening, at about 1.00 am I  baCk to da hOtel ~ 
Versys Bike Jam 2012  successful.
cOnratulatiOn again to Organizer n Versys Owner.

daTs all mY suMmarY of da Event~ enjOy it~ taDaaaaa~


Sunday, 11 March 2012

East cOast Bikers Gathering~

EaSt cOast Bikers Gathering
Seri Malaysia Kuantan + Sg. Lembing 
24th-25th. February. 2012

HoOOoooLaaa~  \(~.^)/  iM baCk fOr Ma Latest riDe on February, soWwy fOr da Late pOst~ ok~ Ok~ let me staRt, tHis eVent start On 24th-25th, and on 24th juSt fOr RegistRatiOn~ 

Im riDe frOm Kuala Lumpur On eveNing 24th at 4.30pm, n stop at BHP gombak for Refuel & tHen mOve to RnR TeMerLoh. Safely arriVed there at 5.30pm, haVe soMe coffee n "iKan Patin"~ YUPss~ what fOr if  iM here and nOt eating iKan patin iS it~ beCause Temerloh famOus with "iKan Patin Masak Tempoyak", it was delicious~ yuMMmmy~

arOund at 6pm iM ride tO Seri Malaysia, Kuantan n SafeLy arriVed at 7.30pm~ Yeah!! \(^.~)/ finaLLy~

Seri Malaysia, Kuantan~

with dear Sista Emma & Sista JuaiNee~

n da White shirt from da Left is aDek Wanie~

here i get Ma gOodies bag fOr dis eVent n tHen cHeck in for 3 days 2 night~ befOre gO to da rOom~ I n fWen having sOme of cOffee n cHit cHat n BlabLablaBlabLa~ afTer dat I go tO ma rOom to get reSt + shOwer cOz after Dis i WanNa gO Out fOr DiNner~ Yeay!!  \(^.^)/
fiNish for *diNe* i go baCk tO ma rOom to get Ma ReSt~ tonite I sLeep wth Sis JuaAinee~ actually im sHaring wth Sis Emma~ But she gO baCk to her hOuse~ yaaa.. maybe its mOre cOmfortable~
GudNite yOoooozzzZZZZzzzzz~

iN da mOrning on 25th~ I sHud wake Up earLy~ coz BrieFing for cOnvoy to Sg.Lembing is at 8am~ at 7am iM ready tO get BreakfaSt wTh ma Fwen~

da LaDies~

cOnvoy Briefing ~

Briefing cOnvoy~

After bRiefing & Prayer; at 9.40am we Ride iN cOnvoy tO Sg. Lembing fOr East cOaSt Bikers Gathering~
and SafeLy arriVed tHere at 10.45am~

@ Sg. Lembing~

da Banner Of da eVent~
Aunty Alison & UncLe Shamsudin~

afTer arriVal, all parTiciPants are weLcOme to sit under canOpy dat had Been maDe reaDy~ but iM nOt.. I haVe  mOve to da fOod cOurt to take a Break befOre I saw Da Bikers TeleMatch ~ Here I have spOken tO a cOuple liVed here sinCe 1948~ WOW~ its sO intereSting to Me to Hear wat tHeir stOries. tHis cOupLe is Aunty Alison or more GlamOur wth KalsOm is 74 yearS oLd, n Her HusBand is UncLe Shamsudin is 79 yeaRs Old~
 not tOo Much Dat stOry toLd by them ~ wat I kNew they DONT LIKE COMMUNIST~ violence Occur if the insTructiOns Or reQuirements are nOt met. And Sg. Lembing iS Da DeepeSt tin miNes in Southeast Asia is very interesting ~! After cHit cHat, iM away tO sEe Telemacth betWeen Bikers~

Let we See da TeleMatch~

get reaDy!! - firSt TeleMacth is a LaTe CycLing~

firSt TeleMacth is a LaTe CycLing~

2nd TeleMatch is a ...... x-X erk~~ donNo wat iS~

2nd TeLemaTch~

Maniey'S soLdier~

During da secOnd spOrt, I saw Ma Bikers fRiends frOm Kuala Lumpur arrived, and I gO to welcOme their aRrival.

Bikers frOm Kuala Lumpur~
frOm da Left is a Nurul~ ChefLand~ Bunge~Nazrah Pinky n her Husband~

after cHit cHat wth tHem~ I go baCk to da GaMes~
tOday is sOoooooooo HOT~ aiyOoo~~ sO I make deCisiOn to go baCk earLy~ wth sOme Bikers frOM KLBC n then sepRated at Gambang, n I mOve to Hotel Seri MaLaysia by MySelf~ Safely arriVed @ hotel~ Alhamdulillah~ then I get myRest ~ ZzzzzZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzz~

@ Da eVening I wakeUp cOz gOt caLLed frOm my fWen -Kuala Trengganu~ Yeay!!  \(~.^)/  her bRing "KepOk LekOr" fOr Me~ but I need to gO to the hotel, wHere they sTay iN KuanTan, n I go tHere to eat mY OrDer ~ "KepOk LekOr"~~ tQs tO Ja + Ku Mir + AreFiZzz ~

afTer enjOying  "kepOk lekOr", I was back tO da Seri MalaySia hOtel to atteNd the Official Dinner.
Overall, EveNt suCcessful, CongRatulatiOns tO the Samurai 7 fOr SuccessfuLLy Organise the East cOast Bikers Gathering~

Lady BiKers~
PresentatiOn duRing DinNer~
afTer da diNner I gO baCk tO ma rOom tO get myRest, cOz tomOrrow I sHud ride to KualaLumpur aLone~ soLo riDe, need eNuf Rest~ ZzzzZZZZzzzzZZZzzz~

Hi~ gUd mOrning Kuantan~ after check Out n breakFast~ its tiMe to me, Get ReaDy to RiDe~ arOund 10.30am I mOve frOm Kuantan~

26th of Feb @ Seri MalaySia, Kuantan~

iM reaDy to Ride~

frOm Kuantan I juSt stOp at RnR temerloh for " Ikan Patin" then move to KL around 12pm, tHanks gOd~ iM saFelly arriVed hOme @ 1.30pm~ yeah.. my RiDe smOoth + Safe~
