KL - Hatyai – Krabi – Hatyai – KL
By MiSs Vespa PiNk (LX150)
15 - 19th. June.2012
1st Day~15.06.12 – mOve from KL early in da mOrning @ 7.15am. stOp for
refuel @ Shell Duke (RM9.70). start ma ride till RNR Tapah fOr next refuel
(RM9.40) n get sOme drink. Ride again tO
RnR Gunung SemanggOl for next refuel (RM9.50) n get sOme BreakFast at Dunkin dOnuts~ Ride smooth n
safely arrived tO RnR Gurun fOr Next Refuel at Caltex (RM8.00). tHen cOntinue Ma ride
n safely arrived at ChangLoOn around 2pm for refuel at Petronas (RM4.00) n did
insurance fOr my bike (RM17.00) n change sOme cash @ mOney changer~ After get
lunch arOund 3.15pm mOve to Sadao Border Immigration. After dat cOntinue ma ride tO Hatyai, safely arrived
@ 4.30pm, Alhamdulillah~ thanks gOd~ Ma MiSs V Pink iN gUd cOnditiOn~ at Hatyai iM staying at Diamond Hotel, dis hOtel reasonable price
just 1000bath/night (RM100). @ night just going Out for get ma dinner, shud
sLeep early bcOz tomOrrow I shud ride tO krabi fOr 360km~ NunitezZzzzzZZZzz~
@ RnR Tapah fOr Refuel~ |
ipoh MaLi taLak sOmbOng~ |
for 3rd Refuel @ Caltex Gurun~ |
mOre clOser~ |
SadaOo Border ImmigratiOn~ |
welcOme tO ThaiLand~ |
sure all of yOu are wOndering iM ride with whOm, enUf I tell yOu iM wth ma Dear Secret Guide~
(otai Hatyai + Krabi wa cakap lu~) tadaaaaazzzZZZZzzzz~
16.06.12 – 2nd day, get reaDy to Krabi by Patthalung -
Trang. I mOve from Hatyai @ 9.30am n stop at PTT Ratthapom for refuel (150bath)
then get breakfast at Amazon Café near petrol pump~ then cOntinue ma ride tO Trang fOr
refuel (140bath) n gets drink at Inthanon Café.
tHen Move to Khlong thom for get Ma Lunch, then after Dat stOp for refuel (123bath)
n mOve to Krabi~
iM in frOnt od DiamOnd hOtel~ |
On da Way to Krabi By pass Patthalung - Trang |
iM wiTh staff AmazOn Cafe~ |
in frOnt of Amazon Cafe~ |
MiSs V PiNk WAS here~ |
On da Way to Krabi~ |
Krabi~ here i cOme~ |
Ao Nang Beach~ safely arriVed~ |
Alhamdulillah~ Safely arrived @3pm at Ao Nang Beach Resort, I stay here fOr
3days 2night, reasonable price (1300bath/niGht) I choOse da roOm facing da Sea. In da evening,
arOund 5.30pm I went Out to boOk tiCket a bOat to da Island Hopping, ticket tO da Island hopping
is 700bath/pax (rm70), I went there with ma Dear
Ao Nang Beach Resort~ cheaper n Hi Class~ |
paid for isLand Hopping~ |
after getting a tiCket fOr tomorrow @Island Hopping activities, I & my Dear guide walk arOund Ao Nang Beach~ Beautiful scenery, I felt dOnt want to gO back tO Malaysia again ~ ~ Ahakss~
@ nite just get my dinner at Italians taste~
after Dat back tO da rOom for rest.
coffee tiMe @ Hagen Dazz~ |
Ao Nang Beach, Krabi~ |
Ao Nang Beach, Krabi~ |
Ao Nang Beach, Krabi~ |
Noparathara Beach~ |
dis ResOrt same wth Ma Real Name~ OMG~ |
Dinner tiMe @ iTtalian Taste~ |
3rd Days~17.06.12 – Island Hopping, @ 830am waiting pickup tO
Island Hopping~ its bOarding speed bOat
owned by Muslim Barracuda Tours @ Noparathara Jetty~ I will viSit fOur island, it iS Riley
island/Phranang cave/beach + Chicken Island, snorkling activities, Lunch + Tup Island, here nice for
swim n snap picture, n the last is Poda Island, yess nice to swim~ but fOr me
nice to “berendam” hakhakhakhakz~ x_X
18.06.12 – gOing baCk to Hatyai~ Bubui Krabi~ I will miss yOu n cOme again, maybe~ mOve
from Krabi @ 10am n stop fOr refuel (156bath), then cOntinue ma Ride to Trang for next refuel (120bath) n get some cOffee at Inthanon Café. Then mOve to Songkhla n stOp fOr refuel (184bath). Then move to Hatyai just in 10km tO arrived tO Diamond Hotel. Safely
arrived @3.30pm. Today I feel really tired!!
But SO MUCH FUN!! Yeay~ \(~.^)/
BuBui Ao Nang Beach~ |
Bu Bu Bu Bu bUi~ i wiLL MiZz u~ (T.T) |
Al-Aman MosQue~Krabi. |
at night I juSt go Out for dinner at Restoran
Hamid, n iM eating a lot~ it was delicious maybe cOz iM really hungry~ yeah. But nOt hunggry Bird yOo~ :P. after Dat gO back to da rOom for rest~
BUBui Hatyai~ iM get reaDy to gO baCk~ |
19.06.12 – Bubui ThaiLand~ time tO go back tO KL, last day iM in Thailand~ move
@ 8am to Sadao Border Immigration, then mOve to RnR Gurun fOr Brunch n refuel at
shell (rm10), then cOntinue Ma ride tO RnR Tapah fOr next refuel (rm9.70). from Tapah
I shOot to KL n safely arrived home @ 4.30pm~
thans gOd~
Im VespiSita~ itaLianOoo~ ngeh~ ngeh~ ngeh~ |
peaCe yO~ |
lalallalallalllaaa~ |
Ma jOurney to Krabi by Vespa Lx150 Succeed~ Alhamdulillah~
da tOtal ma jOurney
from ma Vespa Meter is 1734km~ n tOtal petrOl ma MiSs V PinK uSed is rM132.00 only~ its dONe~
tQs a lot tO ma dear secret guide abg AS~