Thursday, 16 May 2013

Asia mOnster Gathering~

Asia mOnster Gathering~

hi ma Followers Pinky Rider~ even nOt many~ but ok than zerO yOo~ Yeay!!! \(^_^)/
im cOme back for ma latest ride wth ma latest machine (Ducati mOnster 795)~ Last week im jOined ride wth Ducati_Club_Malaysia tO Penang for ride "Asia mOnster Gathering".

RnR Sg.BuLoh~
On Saturday. 11st.May.2013, Our Rv pOint is at RnR Jejantas Sg.BuLOh, RV time iS at 7-7.40am, and at 7.40-8am briefing cOnvoy by da Leader, Dis riDe start da jOurnry at 8.30am by grOup A, B n C~ huhuhuhuhu~ iM in grOup C~ da sLowerSt grOup~
erk x_X im nubie hokey~

da NeXt pit stOp is at Shell RNR Tapah for Refuel n ReSt~

@ Shell Tapah~ n One celebrities oSo jOined dis riDe~ she iS Linda Onn~

da neXt Pit stOp is at Bukit Gantang fOr refuel n reSt~

@ Shell Bkt Gantang~
@ Shell Bkt Gantang~

we arrived early at Shell Juru arOund 11.45am i tOt~

at Shell Juru

@ Shell juru wth Adek Ezani~ rider frOm Penang~ (encem bOy)
Peace yOo~
Shell tOL Juru~

at 12.30pm we mOve to Charity Event for Lahad Datu, escorted by marshall~
blablablabla~ (its nOthing here lorh~ x_X sOrry ) we was here juSt fOr crOwded~

at event~
Lets paRk da Bike~

after da event @ Juru we mOve to Gurney ParagOn Mall Penang for RegistratiOn~ VrOoooooooooommmmmmmm~
hahahhaha~ im Lost, but i was Lucky have marshall guide me to da event~ juSt me n few rider safely arrived here~ anOther rider had reached to da hOteL~ waaaaaaaaaa~ (T_T)

im at da event 'Asia mOnster Gathering' yOo~ 

wooOOoohooOoooo~ im sO Lucky bcOz KiKi waNna go back tO hotel, so i can foLLow her ~ weeeeeeHUuuuuu~ 

after check in~ bLablabLa~ its time free n eaSy~ mostly da rider reSt at da rOom~ but i + emma + brO mariO  playing in da pOol Hard rOck~ wooOooohooOOooooo~ \(^_~)/

ma rOom sharing wth  fwens~

Me n Brutale GurLz (emma)~

bLabLabla zzZZZzzzZZZzzz~ blabLablabLa~

at 6pm regrOup at Lobby~ fOr event 'Asia mOnster Gathering' at Gurney ParagOn Mall Penang~

yeah!! Ducatisti~
Q fOr RegistratiOn yOo~

weeehUuuuu~ Ducatisti~

Bike waSh by SeXy Ladies yOo~
frOm Manjung~

Our MC of da Event is Nurul Alis Kiki~
da enCen DCM Marshalls~ woooOOoohooOooo~
Lady Rider~

Lady Rider~

at 8-11.30pm welcOme speech by APAC, Live cOncert, Ducati Lucky Draw, AnnOuncement Miss n Mr mOnster, n da winNer is MiSs Ju + Mr. EpulblabLabla~ nyum nyum nyum~ blabLablabLa~

BiG bOss~

DUCATiSTi!! yeah!! u olls happening + spOrting~

After da event its tiMe free n eaSy~

but im juSt at rOom~ gudLady  yOo :p zzzZZZZzzzZZZZzzzzz~

mOrning yOo~ 

tOday is 2nd day, 12nd.May.2013. wake up early in da mOrning fOr bfast~ activities fOr tOday is ride along Penang cOast n Charity Ride ~ (but i dOnt gO, bcOz da bRain Pain~ x_X, sOwwy)

Charity Ride~
Alhamdulillah~ activities gOing well~ cOngrates~
~Ducati Club Malaysia~

whO R nOt go tO activities juSt at hOteL n waiTing da rest whO's jOined activities~

arOund 1.30pm, briefing frOm Zain bOut our cOnvoy back to KL, da participant iS jOined DCM convOy just 25 bikes wth 31 persOn, bcOz da reSt shud go baCk early~

arOund 3.15pm we arrived @ Shell juru fOr refuel n then we mOve  to 'Paksu SeafOod' at Juru area fOr Lunch~ phewwww~ Our Lunch Very bOmbastic, wth RM45/pax. Alhamdulillah.. iM veRy satisfied~

PakSu Seafood~

after Lunch at 5.30pm we mOve to next Pit stOp RnR Sg. Perak fOr refuel n reSt~ frOm here da Marshal ask Lady rider riding on da frOnt of da cOnvoy, da rest at da baCk~

tQs to all DCM Marshalls~

Da cOnvoy smOoth to RnR Tapah for Refuel n rest. At 7.30pm we mOve to Last pit stOp RnR Jejantas Sg.BuLoh~, we all safely arrived here at 8.50pm~ thanks to Oll DCM Marshalls, kipidap yOo~
Alhamdulillah.. tHanks gOd~

**Opss im fOrgot~ da Pics Credit tO Izaiha ZainOl~ tQs cOz allow me to used it~

event END~


  1. Nice photo.. menyesal tak gi...event mlm tu.. lepak hotel je.. tak per yr picture dah story semua.. ;P

  2. wlaupon sukarela tp amat berbaloi apabila dihargai.terima kasih n maafkan klau ada yg tersalah,terkasar masa ride tu. kami hanya jalankan tugas utk pastikan konvoi selamat n lancar =)

  3. Convoy safe n smooth.. yg sukarela LG bagus kerana ikhlas.., TQs god.
