Thursday, 26 March 2015

SoLo riDe to Kuala Terengganu - 28th.January.2014

Ducati Monster of jOurney 2014

SoLo riDe to Kuala Terengganu - 28th.January.2014

Hoollaaaaaaa~ soLo ride to Kuala Terengganu.  ermmm..... iM forgOt wat time I go back, its arOund 10am. not more not less I reach at Shell Temerloh around 11.20am.

Sheel Temerloh for Refuel~

"Bike solo riding is like masturbation - you know what works and you just go for it. Bike group riding is like an orgy without sex - lots of waiting and no one is coming." 
excerpt from the book 'Till The Road Ends'. 
Copy paste Alex Wong

Shell Kemaman~

I tot ma PetrOl very save~ after refuel at Termerloh I do not refuel till Shell Kemaman for Ma mOnster. Ermm nOt bad~ hahhahahhahaha of cOz la SAVE.. 
iM nOt fast riDer~ im sLow & sTeady riDer ok~ 
max speed juSt 170kmh (only at hiway LPT) if not just around 120kmh to 150kmh. (in metropolitan like Kuala Lumpur City,  juSt 90kmh to120kmh)

WooOoohooOoooo safe arrived here around 2.30pm
at McD Dungun for ma Lunch~ 
ermmm Yammeh~

after eat, I start ma jOurney to Chendering, Kuala Terengganu. ma hOmetOwn~ arOund 4.30pm. Safely arrived. Allhamdullah~

continue da next Day~

hooLLaaa iM at Pantai baju buruk just leisure riDe at evening~

at nite TTS wth DST - Desmo Society Terengganu at Pantai Batu BurOk~

& get supprise frOm small grOup Ducati 'tOur Malaysia' cOme tts wth Us (DST) on 29th.January.2014
in Dis piCture iS Farex / Cikgu / Ijai 

TTS at Taita, dis warOng very famOus amOng biker iN Kuala Terengganu.

heeee... & da next mOrning 30th.January.2014, grOup Jelajah Malaysia came to Ma hOuse fOr BreakFaSt~


Lets BreakFaSt~
tQs came to Ma hOuse for BreakfaSt~

Get reaDy to start 'tOur Malaysia' tRip to Kelantan~


Bubui~  riDe safe~ see u soOn~

Dats it fOr dis time, I stay here fOr Long time bcOz I'm jObless


see yOu next stOry "Terengganu Bike Week 2014"

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Condolences to Khai family~

 Condolences to da famiLies  of  da Deceased Khai (DesmodonnaMalaysia/Ducati Johor). May da spirit placed amOng da beSt~

AlthOugh not tOo recognize da spirit, but still feels sadness. All fRiends mOurn Over da deatH of da deceased, and pray for da best to her at there. May gOd bLeSs her. Aminnn 

Al- Fatihah

take Care to all fRiend~ riDe Safe~

Spyder Can Am - 11st.January.2014

Ducati Monster of jOurney 2014

Ride with Can Am  Spyder - 11st.January.14

Ride wth Spyder CanAm to Awana Genting for BreakFaSt~
tQs to En. Azmi for inviting me to jOin tHem~ Osem ride~

Our Rv on dat Day iS at BHP Karak, like usual la.. hurmm ma OpiniOn to spyDer.. 

Ma opiniOn for Spyder, fast.. not easy to fall, leisure ride, oSemm but nOt for racing ya..  in our grOup have one Spyder rider, He's ride too fast~ wowww~ giler laju~ riDe safe Bro Red Spyder~ hahahaha. 

FurthermOre On dat day it was raining , I cannOt ride fast.. but Spyder riders just relax riDing in slippery rOad cOnditions~ phewwwwww sO muCh coOl~ 
if I have much mOney sure buy One.

EnjOy reading.. sTay tune~

Friday, 20 March 2015

RiDe Summary Part 1 (Vespa Lx 150)

Ma Vespa riDe Summary in 2014~

Assalamualaikum &  halluuuuuuya~ hahahhahahha.. Long time I'm not writing~ maybe "faktOr uSia". Well... I start wth my Vespa Lx 150.  I Call her  "Vee" nice riGht~

5th. April.14 - Ride with Ma GiRL~
Dis iS Ma GiRL!!
we juSt go riDe to eat & eat~


<<< Okey!! Let "pOow" mama.. hahahahha~
ermm.. wat iS "pOow"? "pOow" is Like.. Erghh dunnO hOw to explain, some word in Malay speaking.

we at Shushi King~
Ermmm... yaMmeh~ >>>>

<<<Eskem.. yes Banana Split~ at WarOng Don's~ & Mama wth kOpi '0'~

we safely arrived at Plaza Damas. tQs gOd, safe Our jOurney 
frOm Puchong to Sri Hartamas~ 

Weekend Ride to Lentang then Genting 19th. September.2014

weeeeeHuuuuu~ weekend ride wth ma Vespa fRen Sue Shaifuddin~

<<< we at out siDe Lentangg
no chOice just bfaSt riDe. Then we decide  gOing up to Genting.

Sue Shaifuddin in action~

u knOw why I can Snap her piCture? hahahhahahha.. bcOz I have da Faster Vespa. 
huhuhuhuhu~ dOnt anGry me yah.. juSt jOke. PeaCe~

Ma Vee~       
sOooo Cute~ >>>

Ma buddys Ride~
Sue Shaifuddin

just bOth of Us~ nO eLse~

Drink + eat + bLablaBLa~ Like Usual around 12pm we go dOwn. 
Our ride smoOth & safely arrived~

Distinguish Gentlemen's Ride 2014 - DGR~

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was first started in 2012. Mark Hawwa of Sydney CafĂ© Racers saw a picture of Don Draper (from the acclaimed TV series Mad Men) sitting on a classic Matchless. Hawwa thought about how bikers in general had such a bad rep and wondered what could make people view them as nicer people. He got this brilliant idea to get bikers to dress up in suits and ties and ride on the streets. When the pictures started to circulate on Facebook and Instagram on newsfeeds worldwide, people wondered why no one thought of this earlier. Riding like a gentleman (or lady) quickly became extremely cool. 

its Me~ with Pink Scaff.

<<< Me in BlaCk & White mOod~
at Stadium... erk! I fOrgOt la.. hahhaha~  
Here is da starting pOint for DGR 2014. Around 500++ riders turn up where we can see a lot of Guys enjOyed dis event. EveryOne LoOking StyLish & Dapper all da way~ 

Me at Dataran Merdeka frOm stadium >>>

at Dataran Merdeka~

its Me 
sOOOOOooooooo~ Swetttttttt~ :p

Me with Dui Redzuan at Petaling Jaya at 
2nd RV for route DGR 2014~

next & Last RV is at Semarak &  Lunch there~ Had a blaSt ride wth da Osemm riDer. Well dOne to da Organisers, voLunteers & riders for da successful fund raiSing eVent. Hope we will raiSe more dis year.

Solo RiDe Eid Adha -  3rd - 8th.October 2014~
frOm Sri Hrtama & ma FirSt refuel b4 start da jOurney~ 

<<< at Shell Temerloh 4 2nd Refuel ma journey smOoth

ma 3rd refuel ma Vee at Gambang, ma average speed around 100-110kmh ONLY at hiway LPT. hahhahahah pty ma Vee~ Alhamdulillah~ >>>

at Kemaman oredi~  Every pit stOp. I juSt + drink + smOke & gO~ 
woOohoOoooooo~ enjOy !!

yeay!! nOw iM at Dungun~ haHahha.. wat I remember dis time is at 7.30pm.

arOund 8.30pm I safely at home at Kubang Ikan Chendering~


Salam Eid Adha 2014~

blablabalbalbla salam Eid Adha~
sOrry.. I dOn snap maNy piCture.. juSt update at Ma iG
yes.. follow ma iG at #bungepinky


On 8th. iM ready go back to Kuala Lumpur~ goOdbye Kuala Terengganu.
On da way baCk, I stOpped at Dungun to met ma old fRen Suhana Ariffin~
wOw she sTiLL look Like teenaGers

wth Ma fRen Sue Suhana~

<<< jOm KL!!

at Kijal refuel Ma Vee~ >>

<<< I stOpped here tO buy sOme 'keropok leko" 

  I stOpped aGain for ReFuel at Gambang Arah Barat  >>>>
Yeay!! I safely arrived at Plaza Damas. Alhamdulillah. tQs gOd~

Ma riDe diS tiMe Osemmmmm~ wooOoohooOooooo~
hurmmmm... a Bit upSet bcOz I cant to remember  da details abOut time & da amOunt petrol was Refuel~ sOooo bad!!

ok, Thank You for Reading ma Summary Of Ma jOurney wth "Vee" (Vespa Lx 150) for da last year. 

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ See yOu soOn~
Mmmmmmuah :-*

Have Fun!!