Monday, 28 May 2012

Mini Ride to Genting & Temerloh

Mini Ride to Genting & Temerloh

hOooooolaaaaaa~ iM baCk fOr Mini Ride tO Genting & Temerloh 
by Vespa Lx150~ Our ride is abOut 310km~
Yeay!!! \(~.^)/
juSt 2 VespaGirL participate in Dis mini ride~ she is Sue Shaifudin n Me~ Our Rv iS at 9am at BHP Karak. we mOve to KopiBin Genting at 10.05am for Coffee~ & cHills~

at Genting befOre moVe to TemerLoh~

12.30pm we Get ready tO ride tO RnR TemerLoh fOr Lunch "Ikan Patin" Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
 befOre dat we Refuel Our macHine at Esso~ full Tank~

5km mOre to gO~

yeay~ MiSs V Pink & si Putey Berseri was Here!!
\(~.~)/ safely arriVed RnR TemerLoh~

Our Menu~ Yummy~

After lunch with  "ikan Patin + fried chicken and prawn sambal" we pray befOre go baCk exit Chenor n stOped at Shell RnR Temerloh for Refuel~ is abOut at 4.30pm~

Ducati mOnster 696~ 1100cc~ his RiDer frOm Kijal, Terengganu~

Exit chenOr~

LPT start frOm ChenOr~
Sue at Sg,Pahang~

iTs Me~ arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhahahahhadOi~ :p
RnR Gombak~

Yeay~ \(^.^)/ we safeLy arrived at RnR Gombak arOund 6pm~ n get sOme of cOffee befOre gO baCk~ I juSt go Back tO Sentul, KuaLa Lumpur & Sue ma fWen gO baCk tO Putrajaya~ 
 tHanks gOd~ she safely arrived hOme at 8pm~

 Our ride smOoth + safe~

after da ride tO Temerloh, we already knOw dat Vespa Lx 150 stable with 90-100kmh speed Only, if mOre than dat~ is nO Longer stable, and iS dangerOus to da Rider in caSe~
diS iS ma Review~ else i dOnnO~



Monday, 21 May 2012

RiDe LBM with Citrawarna Malaysia

RiDe LBM with Citrawarna Malaysia
19th May.2012

Hi~ im cOme back fOr latest ride~ (mini riDe) at Dataran Merdeka , Kuala Lumpur~ Dis riDe i jOined iS unDer Lady Bikers Malaysia (LBM). Dis events "CitraWarna" Organized by TuOrism of Malaysia.

Da total  Of Lady Bikers who participated in this prOgram is abOut 20, tHere aRe Mira Yaacob (President of LBM), Alia Aiya Fahmi (Vice President), Ezuin Esa (committee), Moss Kem (committee), Yan Joe, Azmaniey, Nazrah, Husna, KC stOner, Rika, Sue Shaifudin, ZaitOn, Syalin Syaz, Daisy, Intan Nurzalehan, Fazreen, Yana , Uyui, Mastura & Chaya Juhan (Bunge, its Me)

These eVents require Dat we marched tO use high-pOwered motoBike, 500cc n abOve~
(pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)
 frOm left Fazreen, Intan, Mira Yaacob, Sue & KC stOner~

(pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)
we r Lady Bikers~
Me n Sue (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

 Sue Saifudin-Vespa

from SIC (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

frOm SIC Sepang InternatiOnal Circuit (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

we R reaDy~ (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

its Me~ (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

(pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

wisH her gOt 1 Oneday~

waiting for Next asSignmeNts~ (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

frOm Left Yana, Rika n iN piNk its Me~ (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

Lets Dancing~ (pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)

MoSs Kemm~

(pic credit to Sue Saifudin-Vespa)
 after da eVent we mOve tO NZ Garden fOr cOffee. We got SUPRISED frOm Mira Yaccob (LBM President) bcOz we get tOken frOm da event. thank yOu sis Mira~

 Event Succeed~ Alhamdulillah~

cOnratulatiOn Lady Bikers Malaysia
on ur effOrt~

dats all my suMmary fOr da mini RiDe Citrawarna~ 

~ enjOy \(~.^)/ ~


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Ride EMC - MyTV3 Rock da Wave - A'Famosa, Melaka

Ride EMC - MyTV3 Rock da Wave, A Famosa 
12nd May.2012

Last week I jOined day ride wth Enduro Malaysian Chapter (EMC) to A'Famosa Melaka fOr MyTV3 Rock da Wave, here we r Rider need tO escOrt Nas Adila for his PresenTatiOn~
mOtorBike invOlved in dis eVent is a BMW-GS1200, a Kawasaki-ER6n, a Suzuki-Kawasaki Gladius and 8 Kawasaki-Versys, da tOtal amOunt invOlved is abOut 11 mOtorBike~

Rv pOint fOr dis Ride is at Shell tol Senawang at 11am, then mOve to A'Famosa at 12pm & safely arriVed tHere arOund 12.30pm.

Briefing b4 cOnvoy~
Briefing by Mr. Adly Safari from EMC~ (pic credit to EMC)
tWo Lady Bikers participate in dis riDe is Wana Sha'ari (RL) n Chaya Juhan (Bunge~ its me Yo!!)
Get ReaDy~ (pic credit to EMC)
safelly arrived in A'Famosa Melaka~ (pic credit to EMC)

safelly arrived in A'Famosa Melaka~ (pic credit to EMC)
we park Our bike in A'FamOsa~

we park Our bike in A'FamOsa~

after parking Our Bike~ n get a briefing frOm Mr.Yus wat we shud dO while escOrting dat artist, tHen we went tO see where we have tO go thrOugh shOrtly.

noted!!(pic credit to EMC)


PeaCe yO~

damn!! im shOrter than him~ :p(pic credit to EMC)

its ok~(pic credit to EMC)

Ooopssss~(pic credit to EMC)

iM wiTh RELA~

after a waLk arOund da area, we get lunch prOvided by my TV3. after Lunch is an fRee activity, bcOz events invOlving us start at 3pm.

iM wiTh AzimVOG (Utusan)

its yOurs~ its Mine~(pic credit to EMC)

CanDid~(pic credit to EMC)

free aCtivity~
one Of de members Of de grOup BUNKFACE test riDe ma Bike~
Mr.Adly wth his cOoper~ (pic credit to EMC)
wHat??!! :p(pic credit to EMC)
wth Nas Adilla~(pic credit to EMC)

finally the awaited time has come
get ready!

Mr.Yus wth da Singer Nas Adilla~ (pic credit to EMC)
On da Bike~(pic credit to EMC)
On da Bike~(pic credit to EMC)

events escOrting da artist began at abOut 4pm. cOmplete Our escOrt given free tickets tO wet wOrld. Part Of us went tO "ice blended cOconut & cucur uDang" in Pengkalan Balak. And da others stay iN A'Famosa.

RiDe EMC Succeed, cOnratuLatiOns~

after a Wet wOrld I & wana gO to da apartments prOvided by EMC for cleaning. After dat we get dinner befOre going back tO KL.

Alhamdulillah... tHanks gOd!! ma ride safe & smOoth~
aS well aS Ma Bikers fRiend~

