Wednesday, 28 September 2011

NIEW - Ladies Carnival at University Malaya

Ladies Carnival at University Malaya - 27th. Sept. 2011

our Bike~

On 27.Sept.2011, Tuesday. at University Malaya, NIEW - Ladies Carnival. Who is participating in dis event is Mira Yaacob, Yan Joe, Jasni Ruzlin, Emma (BG), Alia, Zaiton, Intan, Ina, Shahida & Me Bunge@Chaya under LBM _ Lady Bikers Malaysia~ Our RV point is at UM close to guard house, n sHud be there at 10.30am~

its Me~


event started at 12.30 to escOrt Dato' Shahrizat go to event venue~

Emma (BG) sign on Ladies Carnival Banner~

NIEW Ladies Carnival~

after that we park our bike n mOve to Hall for Open ceremony. at there on da stage One grOup kOir from University Lim Kok Wing stanby for sing da sOng "woman Of tOmorrOw"~

KoiR frOm stuDent University Lim Kok Wing~

Dato' Shahrizat~

LBM on da sTage sing da sOng of "wOman Of tOmorrOw~"

Woman  Of  TomOrrow~


LaDy Bikers Malaysia~

Lbm is one contributor to tHis Carnival~

LBM on da sTage in News paper of Utusan Malaysion on 28th.Sept.2011

after prOgrams in the hall, we were given cOupons for gOodies bag and have a lunch supplied by the Organizers. tHank yOu~


  1. best tu.... apa pun u memang aktif dan very very the sporting... luv u sis

  2. tQs sis Naz yg slalu komen ma blog~ Luv u too sista~ bila mau ride ni~ mau tgk ur luvely pink~
