Sunday, 30 October 2011

riDe BreakFast to Pau Yik Mun, Tg.MaLim~

riDe BreakFast to Pau Yik Mun, Tg.MaLim~
wiTh Pie'Lang Bikers

Last weekEnd I haVe planned tO Day ride sOmewhere, so I chOose tO ride with Pie'Lang Bikers tO Pau Yik Mun, Tg.Malim fOr Breakfast. Rv time iS at 8am n start tO ride iS at 9am. Ooppssss sOwwy my Dear Pie'Langians~ fOr my late X_X erk!!
we mOved at 9.15am.

Pau Yik Mun, we arrived here at 10am
Pie'Lang Bikers~

My BreakFast~ pau+hot miLo~

Pie'Lang SuppOrter~
we aRe Pie'Lang Bikers~

Peace nO war!!!

get ReaDy to gO back~

afTer had breakFast, at 12pm we Get reaDy tO go baCk~ Dis tiMe is fRee RiDe~
 Our cOnvoy iS safe + smOoth~ saffelly arriVed hOme~ tHanks gOd~


Flag Off VOG to Hat Yai_Gajah Putih~

Flag Off   VOG to Hat Yai_Gajah Putih, Thailand
28th. October.2011

tOnite got 2 grOup RV at RnR Jejantas Sg.BulOh gOing tO Hat Yai, da grOup is Versys Owner Group & GoDam GrOup~ rv tiMe iS @ 10pm & staRt cOnvOy @12am~
Versys Owner GrOup~

Versys Owner GrOup~
GoDam GrOup~ hoOooyeah~ :D

befOre waiTing sOme oF riDer go tO Hat Yai arriVed heRe RnR Jejantas Sg.BulOh, ResT Venue befOre starT cOnvoy, we had kOpi-kOpi 1st~ anD taLk abOut moTorBike~

LaDy Bikers~

kOpi-kOpi n BarBican tiMe~
we aRe Bikers~

in actiOn~

Yan Joe~

nOw tiMe to cLose at 12am, everybOdy get reaDy on da Bike~  to whOm iS nOt participate in Dis tRip alSo geT ready to gOing back hOme~ Oppsss... prior tO forget, Dis is a sepaRate cOnvoy, nOt in One convoy~

brO Shamsuri Mohamed~
Bro Lobai PiPit n Vogians~ (sowWy bro~ I'm fOrgOT ur naMe~ :( )

hOpefully Dis cOnvoy safe in jOurney and safely come back.

 Let us pray the convoy's safe~

Monday, 24 October 2011

Grand Prix 2011 at SIC

Grand Prix 2011
Sepang InternatiOnal Circuit

 GP 2011 at Sepang International Circuit ~ tHis year I gO to SIC Convoy wiTh Kawasaki Group, Rv pOint is at Taman Tasek Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur at 8.30am. Total mOtOrBike participate in diS cOnvoy iS 363 mOtOrBikes aNd pLus piLlion maybe around 400 peOple~

Kawasaki Owner~

Lady Bikers~

Briefing Time~

Bike n Bikers~

Me n mY riDe BudDy Monalisa@Nova

tHis cOnvoy lead by Marshall,  ride smOoth. Close to SIC, Kawasaki Group stop the rOadSide for a while, fOr wHat i dOnNo~ hehhehehhe~ erk! x_x . 15 minutes later we riDe to SIC and park Our mOtOrBike at Kawasaki parking lot~

with mY beLoved~ Jorge LorenzO. ngeh ngeh ngeh~ :p =))

Mg Mirae & Mona@Nova bOth of tHem is Lady Bikers~

Me n Sis Mg Mirae, Owes meT her here aS miSs preGgy~

in acTiOn~

with Marlboro mOdel~

Main Grandstand~

wiTh Bike Trader mOdel~

GP race start at 4pm I n mY fWen sitTing aT Grandstand Topaz sit facing the corner C9+C10+C11. at TuRn C10+C11, the riDer SimonCelli was accident in 2nd lap~ The accident caused severe injuries and riders pass away~ And da Grand Prix 2011 race immediately cancel.
Condolence to his Family, Friends, Italians, Fans~ RIP Simoncelli~ yOu aRe awesome & a rising star!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

BikePaLoOza in Shah ALam

BikePaLoOza in Shah ALam

Bikepalooza 2011 is a motorbiking event which presented by Two Brothers and mainly participated by NAZA WORLD (brand of Harley-Davidson, Ducati, Aprilia, Vespa, Piaggio, Gilera). This 3 day event will showcase a wide range of motorbikes with special promotion and pricing, host bikers activities such as convoys, stunt rides by TONY CARBAJAL (USA), local stunt competitions, race queens, sneak preview of new Ducati models, launch of new Indian Motorcycle, bike convoy, bikers gathering, Mega TTS, telematch (sukaneka), ,racing simulator, fashion show, motor bike lucky draw, karaoke, kid games, kids inflatable playground, face painting, colouring competition etc.... a lot of fun!

 and I'm here becauSe of  pHotosHoOt wiTh Bikers Cover Magazine
on 14th I came here by my scOot Pink rOxy, erk!! but... I dOnt haVe a piCture on dat phOtosHoOt~ :(

in BoOth of BCM

in BoOth of BCM

On 15th I came here by My ER6n Pinker6n~ for next phOtosHoOt. dat tiMe i came here around 3.30pm was Raining, so i sHud stay in BoOth of BCM wiTh artis Dr. Motor~ till rain stOp n do mY photosHoOt ~

wth da AcTor~

wiTh Dr. mOtOr~

Me wth once of Naza staff Bro Yuzray


shOoting tiMe~




in acTiOn~

 after photosHoot, befOre gOing back i met   
Lady Bikers Malaysia & MistRi Bikers SingapOre~

Lady Bikers~

Lady Bikers~


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Flag Off VOG to Gajah Putih, Thailand~

Flag Off Versys Owner Group to Gajah Putih
5th.Oct.2011 at RnR Sg.Buloh

Rest Venue point Flag Off  VOG to Gajah Putih, Thailand is at RnR Sg.Buloh, 10pm. hehehheee~ but not participant arrived 1st here~

here is Sis Lin + Sis Jin + Sis Azuna, olls of tHem is Lady Bikers!!
Caya larh~

Pink its Mine~ hOoyeeeehhh~

sista n brother~

we R Bikers~

Chit cHat befOre RiDe~

Bro Azman + bRo Syawal + bRo James + Bro Fadil

Briefing Time~ Convoy Lead by bRo Syawal~
VOGians boraks Larh~

Bro Saif Abbas~ One of  VOG~ but his not join dis Trip :D~

VOGians ~ YEAH get ready to Ride~

chit cHat blalblablablaaa~ after briefing + after watever, around 11.30pm Rider Get ready to Convoy. Total Participation in tHis cOnvoy from heRe is 18 moTorbike. Hopefully VOGians safe in jOurney and safely come back.

 Let us pray the convoy's safe~