Sunday, 30 October 2011

Flag Off VOG to Hat Yai_Gajah Putih~

Flag Off   VOG to Hat Yai_Gajah Putih, Thailand
28th. October.2011

tOnite got 2 grOup RV at RnR Jejantas Sg.BulOh gOing tO Hat Yai, da grOup is Versys Owner Group & GoDam GrOup~ rv tiMe iS @ 10pm & staRt cOnvOy @12am~
Versys Owner GrOup~

Versys Owner GrOup~
GoDam GrOup~ hoOooyeah~ :D

befOre waiTing sOme oF riDer go tO Hat Yai arriVed heRe RnR Jejantas Sg.BulOh, ResT Venue befOre starT cOnvoy, we had kOpi-kOpi 1st~ anD taLk abOut moTorBike~

LaDy Bikers~

kOpi-kOpi n BarBican tiMe~
we aRe Bikers~

in actiOn~

Yan Joe~

nOw tiMe to cLose at 12am, everybOdy get reaDy on da Bike~  to whOm iS nOt participate in Dis tRip alSo geT ready to gOing back hOme~ Oppsss... prior tO forget, Dis is a sepaRate cOnvoy, nOt in One convoy~

brO Shamsuri Mohamed~
Bro Lobai PiPit n Vogians~ (sowWy bro~ I'm fOrgOT ur naMe~ :( )

hOpefully Dis cOnvoy safe in jOurney and safely come back.

 Let us pray the convoy's safe~